CASL Soccer

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

CAYA Winter Update

CAYA Families,

Hope everyone is getting ready for the cup this weekend.

CAYA is on Twitter:
            Follow us @CAYASoccer to get all the up to date changes and information in the CAYA program. Like weather and field updates or just upcoming event or deadlines.

CAYA Winter Dates:

Winter Training schedule will start:
December 2nd and run through January 20th
*Training will only be on Monday’s during these dates
CAYA futsal program:
December: 7th, 14th, and 21st and January: 11th, 18th, and 25th
(Times and locations to be updated soon)

Holiday Breaks:
            Thanksgiving: No Training November 18th to December 1st
            Christmas: No Training December 16th  to January 10th

CAYA Spring Registration
It’s now that time of year to get registered for the spring. Here is the link for the spring 2014 registration for CAYA
The deadline to register is November 26 so that you will be able to see how many players are returning. It is also on the CASL website under programs, then CAYA. If you have questions please let me know.

CAYA in Pictures

There have been some great pictures sent in of CAYA in action. If any parents have been taking picture during your son or daughter’s game, please feel free to send some of them into to me at I will be trying to get them posted to the CAYA blog each week

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

CAYA Update 10/9/13

CAYA Families,

Hope everyone is staying dry this week. Here is a short post for everyone this week.

Inclement Weather Apparel:
With the poor weather starting in this fall season we want to make sure players are properly ready for training and games. Please make sure your son or daughter has a warmer clothes or a rain jacket for day that we can train in not so nice weather. Playing in cold weather has a unique set of circumstances.  To properly prepare, a player should understand what cold does to the body and how their unique physiology reacts to the game/practice circumstances.

Wet Weather
    • Remember to remove mud from the cleats at stoppages or breaks
    • A jacket and hat that shed water will make a big difference
    • Microfiber moisture wicking materials will dry faster and keep sweat off the body
    • Replace wet gear with dry when possible, but always keep something dry for the ride home
·         Cold Weather
  • Dress in layers; from the skin out:
    • Compression garments
    • Kit
    • Warm-ups/Sweats
    • Gloves
    • Jacket/Outerwear
  • Removing layers
    • Keep the warm-ups on until the body is almost sweating
    • Keep the core/trunk of the body warm, so pants go before tops
    • At least put the warm-up jacket back on at each rest period longer than a few minutes; the body cools quickly
  • Good additions
    • Beanies/knit caps are a great way to add heat; the head loses more heat than any other part of the body, especially for short hair or pony tails
    • Gloves can make a big difference; keep the extremities warm and the whole body is more comfortable
    • Additional socks – in wet weather, replacing wet socks for dry at half-time or at a break can make a world of difference in a players comfort

Is Losing a Good Thing for you?

This week I have added a link to a good article in the NY Times about the effect losing can have us at a young age. This is a very interesting article to read.

Losing Is Good for You -

CAYA Winter Futsal:
Here are the current dates for this winter’s futsal program. December: 7th, 14th, and 21st and January: 11th, 18th, and 25th
**Time and locations will be soon to follow. All dates will be posted on the CAY Calendar this week.

CAYA in Pictures

There have been some great pictures sent in of CAYA in action. If any parents have been taking picture during your son or daughter’s game, please feel free to send some of them into to me at I will be trying to get them posted to the CAYA blog each week